30 Apr
Basic Information About Titan Gel

Company Behind This Product

This product is manufactured by a company called “Laboratory EMANSI” CJSC (seated in Moscow, Russia). From what I was able to discover about the manufacturing company online, it has been in the business of making skin care products and cosmetics since 2000.

As you can see in the picture above, the company that owns the Titan Gel is called “Hendel” LLC (also seated in Moscow, Russia). As they state on the official company website , it has been founded in 2014:

“Founded in 2014, “Hendel” is already recognized as one of the leaders in development and production of cosmetics and biologically active food supplements. At the present time “Hendel” is a dynamically developing company consisting of true professionals.”

From what I have seen on their website, this company stands behind many cosmetic products and they are working with other companies that have more experience in this field.

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