What is Titan Gel?

  • el is a product that is aimed at increasing your penis size thanks to its combined usage with pumps or penis enlargement exercises such as jelqing.
    The official website promises significant gains in just one month. From what I know about penis enlargement, I can say that such gains are not very common. Also, for the intended purpose is this product quite expensive.

What is the official website of Titan Gel?

  • Although you can find Titan Gel in many places, the official product website is TitanGel.com. This product is manufactured by a company ca (seated in Moscow, Russia)
    From what I was able to discover about the manufacturing company online, it has been in the business of making skin care products and cosmetics since 2000. The company that owns the Titan Gel is called (also seated in Moscow, Russia) and here is its company website –

Is the Titan Gel safe?

  • Yes, Titan Gel should be safe for your health. It includes mostly ingredients that are common to gel-like cosmetic products. The side-effects you could potentially experience are very mild.
    These include only a mild skin irritation, inflammation, swelling, burning, stinging, and redness. The carefully balanced approach taken here pays off.
    Just keep in mind that this cream should stay on your skin and should not get into your eyes or mouth.

How does the Titan Gel work? Is it effective?

The product label of Titan Gel says that this product can be used for improving your sexual relationships and for a penis enlargement routine. Titan Gel is very simple to use; all you have to do is to massage the gel into your penis once a day.
What has really surprised me is the fact, that although the official product website states that you should experience a penis growth of around 4 cm during the first month of using this product, on the bottle it says that to experience this growth you should be doing jelqing exercises as well.
Sadly, there were no instructions on how to do these exercises in the package I have received. That is why I went to their instructions page. In the past, this page was unavailable, but at the time of updating this review, I was finally able to get there.
Although they provide simple instructions to performing a basic Jelq, I have to say that they miss crucial info on doing warm up and cool down phases (see my article on doing proper jelqs). These are crucial if you really want to minimize the chances of injuring yourself and experiencing size gains from jelqing alone.
Omitting such safety precautions is a huge red flag for me that something may not be okay with the claims the official product website TitanGel.com makes.

Is my package of Titan Gel legit or fake?

  • There are many fake and counterfeit versions of the Titan Gel being sold all over the internet. To avoid getting a counterfeit product, all you have to do is to make your order from the official product website .
    If you still have doubts whether you got the legit Titan gel, then please watch this video and compare your packaging for various security elements.

Is the effect of Titan Gel permanent?

  • However, as already pointed out in this review, you need to use this gel together with jelqing exercises. And the slow, gradual size gains you experience from jelqing are really permanent.
    Once you grow, your size will stay with you.

How should I apply Titan Gel?

  • If you are wondering how to apply the Titan Gel, then I can recommend you to follow the directions from product label. These are very clear and easy to understand:

    “Apply the gel on the external genital area or a condom before intimal sexual activity. It is not a contraceptive. It can be used with vacuum pumps, extenders, as well as for special exercises (so-called “jelqing”), are intended to increase the penis size. For present purpose, gel is applied to the external genitalia according to the device instructions, or before starting exercises.”

    If there is still anything unclear to you with regards to Titan gel, then feel free to contact me at contact[at]thestallionstyle.com.

How can I boost the results of Titan Gel?

  • If you want to improve your penis enlargement efforts and permanent size gains, then you need to focus on these penis enlargement exercises. Also, you could try to use a scientifically confirmed device called penis extender (here are the best brands on the market).
    If you are looking for huge gains that are temporary, then consider investing your money into a hydro-based penis pump, such as Penomet or Bathmate. Over time, these temporary gains can transform into permanent ones.

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